Agate from Aceh

Jade Aceh


 Batu Aceh or jade Aceh stone in 2013 favored lover of rock archipelago, rock had become a trend in addition to rocks Bacan, jade Aceh, many kinds of it, and had horrendous is jade Aceh found in regards protected forests, and heavy jade its about 20 tons, at the price appraiser rock about 30 billion.

Here are some rocks Aceh as well as the examples that I can from the source kawan2, which supports the paper is made, the stone is popular among lovers of jade Aceh:

   1. Stone Indocrase
   2. Jade Solar Aceh
   3. Stone Lumut Aceh
   4. Stone Cempaka Madu
   5. Stone Bio Solar

 In addition there are some rocks Aceh others that can be found in Aceh at an affordable price but the quality is not in doubt as jade nephrite, rock scorpion, stone lotus, stone perpentin, stone blackjade, jade snow, totol vegetables, jade pineapple, wine and so on. In this case, Batu Aceh types that can be said batumulia most sought after and most expensive class. That stone indocarase often called the moss jade, stone solar, camouflage jade, black jade stone, stone pineapple. Actually there are many kinds of precious stones that can be found at 
Aceh, but the views from scarcity and fiber
inside it that makes some of the stones to be very expensive and

hunted a lot of people Indocarase stone, can be considered the most phenomenal rock because, this stone is one of the winners of the competition agate in Jakarta about two years ago. Besides the stone is categorized types of gemstones are rare and much demand, not only local but foreign collectors was chasing this stone. So that makes this precious stone is becoming increasingly expensive price tag of up to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of rupiah. The characteristics of this stone is divided into three kinds: massive or opaque, transparent and translucent thin fibrous. Stone indocarase still often or often found in mines so, sometimes the miners did not hesitate to seek senganja and later they sell to collectors. While transparent included into the type of rock which is rare because, this stone can be found by digging in between rocks hard menhimpitnya. This is a very famous stone from stone Aceh other types.

 Solar stone often people call it that, whereas the same solar stones with stones indicarase. And often encountered wearer dalah officials or people who have excess money. Because supposedly said this stone believed to raise the prestige of someone who memakianya and also will add to the prestige of someone. Thus, not a few people who have an interest in launching their desire using this stone.Camouflage jade is also one of the rare stone, because of the color and shape of the fibers contained in it is very unique and not found in other rock fibers. And the rock lovers find this stone because of the uniqueness of this stone. Glance views fibers that appear when highlighted with light fibers that look like forms of camouflage on the unity of the armed forces.Black jade stone, according to its name this rock solid black but has fibers which particular owned jade in general. The pineapple stone has a white color, and fibers that are in it as the name suggests is like a pineapple.Have a nice stone, beautiful and suitable for those who wear it are clearly very important and expensive as anything the stone remained a man wise in choosing precious stones. Agate and understand very well that we will make jewelry. Probably from Batu Aceh earlier types can increase the repertoire and insight.

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